Tuesday, March 29, 2016

AF Lime Chiffon with YL EO


  • 2 yolks
  • 20g water
  • 5 drops of young living lime vitality essential oil
  • 20g oil
  • 35g plain flour
  • 5g corn flour
  • 2 whites
  • 40g sugar


  • slightly whisk yolk, add in lime eo
  • mix in oil followed by water
  • sift in plain flour and corn flour, mix well
  • whisk whites till bubbly, add in sugar in 3 batches, whisk till stiff peak
  • fold 1/3 whites to yolk mixture
  • fold in the rest of whites
  • pour in mould
  • bake in preheated air fryer at 150'C for 30mins, 170'C for 10mins. 

*note to self: should bake 10mins longer

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Natural Leavened Choc Milk Loaf

Bread flour  330g
Cocoa Powder 20g
Choc milk  150g
Banana starter  150g
Sugar  25g
Milk powder  15g
Butter  10g

Natural Leavened Plain Loaf with Chia Seed

Thanks FC Ng for such a great recipe. I adjust according to my natural leavened starter. 

Bread flour  350g
Water  140g
Apple starter  150g
Sugar  20g
Milk powder  15g
Salt  5g
Butter  30g

Sunday, March 6, 2016

AF Chicken Floss Muffin

1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2tsp salt
2tsp baking powder
1/3cup oil
1 egg
1/3cup milk

1. Preheat oven to 200'C.
2. Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. 
3. Place oil in 1 cup measurement cup. Add in egg and enough milk to fill up one cup. 
4. Mix egg mixture with flour mixture.
5. Pour batter in cupcake mould or cups. 
6. Sprinkle with chicken floss.
7. Air fried at 170'C for 25-30mins. 

Thanks HuiYin for such a versatile recipe. 

Mandarin Orange Chiffon

  • 40g mandarin orange juice
  • 40g oil
  • 4 yolks
  • 60g plain flour
  • 20g corn flour
  • 4 whites
  • 60g sugar

  • Slightly whisk yolk
  • Mix in oil follow by mandarin orange juice
  • Sift in flour and mix well
  • Whisk egg whites till bubbly, add in sugar in 3 batches, whisk till stiff peak
  • fold 1/3 whites to yolk mixture
  • fold in the rest of whites
  • pour batter in mould
  • bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 50mins

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Vanilla Yoghurt Chiffon

Recipe adapted from my precious bake: http://honeybee916food.blogspot.my/2012/10/orange-peach-yoghurt-chiffon.html?m=1

2 yolks
25ml oil
45ml yoghurt
35g flour

2 yolks
35g sugar

  • Slightly whisk yolk
  • Mix in oil follow by yoghurt
  • Sift in flour and mix well
  • Whisk egg whites till bubbly, add in sugar in 3 batches, whisk till stiff peak
  • fold 1/3 whites to yolk mixture
  • fold in the rest of whites
  • pour batter in mould
  • bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 50mins